I stopped planning and started doing

Planning sucks! It always takes me into a rabbit hole of overplanning.

Ayesha Afreen
3 min readAug 2, 2023
Photo by Jose Mizrahi on Unsplash

I spent the last weekend reading — Atomic Habits, and read something quite controversial. Apparently, Planning sucks? Can you believe it? You do all the planning but nothing comes from it?

Atomic Habit helped me identify when I was stuck in a Rut ( Motion) and how to break free from just planning and no growth ( Action ).

So what is Motion and how to identify if you are in one?

Motion Vs. Action ( Planning vs Doing )

Motion (left) v/s Action (right)

Motion is that feeling when you’re constantly scribbling in your planner, creating elaborate to-do lists, researching extensively, and seeking the perfect plan.

It feels productive right? But do you actually take any concrete steps to fulfill it?

Atomic Habits explains that Action is the actual doing — taking that first step, no matter how small. Whether it just be writing that email, or getting on that call. Action is where progress happens.

3 Steps to stop planning and start doing.

Step 1. Identify Motion, it’s easy to fall into the Planning trap. We all have been there.

Signs of being stuck in motion include feeling overwhelmed by planning and strategizing, frequently postponing tasks, endlessly wanting to seek more knowledge before getting started, or not getting any noticeable results.

If you find yourself in this, Atomic Habits says you may be stuck in the motion state.

Step 2. Stop Planning and Do! Buddha says — What you think, you become.

Start embracing imperfection and the possibility of failure. Remember, every action needn’t be perfect. There is room for mistakes and improvement.

You must set clear and achievable goals, break them down into smaller tasks, and accomplish one task at a time. Appreciate the small steps as they will motivate you to continue further.

Step 3. Stay out of the Motion or Planning Trap.

Atomic Habits share these 3 guidelines to help you from falling into the motion trap –

  1. Strict Deadlines
  2. Actionable goals
  3. Embrace Mistakes

Set small, manageable deadlines related to your goal. It could be as small as writing the first 100 words of your book, making that call you kept procrastinating, etc. The key is to start and build momentum.

Instead of constantly striving for perfection, learn to embrace your mistakes and use them as opportunities for learning and improvement.

Planning is helpful don't go in circles of over-planning.

Planning should be a springboard to action. If not, Planning sucks as it keeps you in a Rut (Motion).

Don’t get stuck in the comfort of motion; dare to take action and embrace the uncertainties that come with it.

Every journey begins with that first step, so start. You’ve got this!



Ayesha Afreen

Instagram Content Creator @life.of.aye, writing about slow productivity, as well as my journey as a creator