How to realistically become a Morning Person

Morning people are those who rise from sleep fairly easily and are most productive in the mornings. So how to be one?

Ayesha Afreen
3 min readJul 10, 2023

We have all been on the everlasting quest of fixing our sleep schedule, I did too. I’ve been on that hamster wheel, and I can tell you, there’s got to be a better way to become a morning person.

Is it worth waking up early every day?

Waking up is good for you as it improves productivity, boost focus and is can make you happier
Reasons, why waking up early is good for you!

Research shows that being a morning person is associated with lots of health benefits.

Becoming a morning person can really give you an edge, especially if your day needs you to be sharp between 9 am and 5 pm. It boosts your concentration, reaction time, and overall mood.

Here are some realistic tips to become a morning person without having to completely shift your lifestyle.

How to become a morning person and wake upp early

Set realistic Wake-up & Bed-times, Gradually shift to reach your goal

To become a morning person, it’s essential to set realistic wake-up and bedtimes. Don’t try to change your sleep schedule in one night, instead try a gradual shift. This approach is easier for your body and lets you sleep better in the long run.

Here are some simple steps you can do to reach your goal:

1. Identify your current routine — Note down the times you usually go to bed and wake up.

2. Identify your goal — Decide when you want to wake up and find your ideal bedtime.

3. Plan a gradual shift — If the difference between your current routine and goal is significant, don’t rush. Shift your schedule by 30 Mins for a week.

4. Stick to the plan — Consistency is the key to this game! Keep to your new times, even if you don’t initially fall asleep or wake up as planned.

Becoming a morning person takes effort to many. It might take a little while, and that’s okay. Keep at it, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself waking up on time!

Give Yourself Enough Time to Wake Up in the Mornings

If you’re someone who sets an alarm for 6:45 AM for a 7:00 AM class, job, or appointment, let’s rethink this. Waking up isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers. In fact, sleep inertia — that groggy, just-rolled-out-of-bed feeling — can last up to 30 minutes. So a rushed morning isn’t doing you any favours.

Make your mornings easier and less stressful by giving yourself ample time to wake up fully. Aim for a 45-minute window at the very least. This time isn’t wasted; use it to stretch, brush your teeth, and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea. Sit down and enjoy a leisurely breakfast.

Becoming a morning person isn’t just about the time you get out of bed; it’s about how you wake up too. Carving out extra time in the morning sets a calm, positive tone for the day.

So, let’s say goodbye to that snooze button!

A Morning to look forward to!

If you find yourself wrestling with the snooze every morning, maybe you need a little morning motivation.

Some people struggle to wake up even with multiple alarms and snooze till the last second. This can be worked on by adding a little morning motivation, something that brings you joy or gives your mornings a purpose.

Maybe it’s going for a peaceful jog as the sun rises, curling up with a good book and a hot cup of coffee, or perhaps it’s a quiet yoga session to start your day with clarity and calm. A purposeful morning before your work/class starts.

By adding something to do, you turn it from a dreaded alarm to the part of the day you eagerly anticipate.



Ayesha Afreen

Instagram Content Creator @life.of.aye, writing about slow productivity, as well as my journey as a creator