Why I replaced all Habit-Tracking apps for a whiteboard and paper

Ayesha Afreen
3 min readJul 15, 2023


In today’s article, we’re rewinding back to the basics. We’re distancing ourselves from the digital world to embrace the simple, yet effective technique of physical habit tracking. You’ll learn how to set up your own habit tracker, what’s working best for me, and how to keep the momentum going even when you miss a day. Surprisingly, I have replaced all my habit-tracking apps with a whiteboard, marker, pen, and paper. Here’s why!

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Why Habit Tracking?

Habit-Tracking, as the name suggests, is keeping tabs on the habits you intend to automate in your life. To shed more light on the importance of habit-tracking, let’s consider the following quote:

“We become what we repeatedly do” — Stephen Covey

Habit tracking becomes a robust tool to help build new behaviors and break the old, unwanted ones. By physically marking off each day you adhere to your chosen habit, you create visual proof of your progress and dedication.

Setting Up Your Habit Tracker
To get the ball rolling, all you require is a notebook, a pen, and a list of habits you wish to adopt. Allocate a page for each habit and design a simple grid bearing the dates of the month. Each day you succeed in adhering to your habit, check off the corresponding date. Over time, you’ll witness a chain of successes that will keep you motivated.

What’s working for me
I lean heavily on visual cues. I start by listing no more than six habits that I wish to concentrate on for the week, and then sketch small boxes under each day of the week. If I work on a habit, I shade the corresponding box.

Nevertheless, wiping off the tracker the next week leads to losing track of the progress I made that week. To overcome this, I update the data in my habit tracker in my physical planner.

Now, I maintain both a weekly and a monthly view. The weekly view serves as a nudge as it’s clearly visible every day, while the monthly view serves as a reminder of my progress!

What about the days you miss?

It’s crucial to remember that habit tracking is not about perfection, but consistency.

On the off chance that you miss a day, acknowledge it without berating yourself. Use it as an opportunity to learn. Question yourself about what led you to miss the day and how you can avert it in the future. Maybe you need to adjust the time you dedicate to the habit, or perhaps you need to break it down into smaller, more achievable steps.

Visualizing your progress can be a compelling incentive. As you observe the chain of marked-off days grows, you’ll be spurred to continue. Celebrate your victories, no matter how tiny they seem. Each marked day brings you one step closer to your goal.

Final Thoughts

As cliche as it sounds, habit tracking isn’t a race, it’s a marathon. As we conclude this article, remember that the power to improve your life lies in the small, daily habits you nurture. So why not start today? Choose a habit, monitor it, and observe as your life transforms one day at a time.

Here’s to a productive and fulfilling week!

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Ayesha Afreen

Instagram Content Creator @life.of.aye, writing about slow productivity, as well as my journey as a creator